What Is the Best Online Casino For Real Money?


An important indication that an online casino for real money is legitimate is if they hold a gaming license from an established gaming authority such as New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement or Pennsylvania Gaming…

How to Choose a Forex Robot


Forex robots are software programs created according to specific trading strategies that can trade on behalf of traders day and night. Utilizing technical signals, forex robots use automated trading processes that either assist traders on…

Don Scalping – A Review of the Don Scalping Forex Robot


Forex robots are computer programs that utilize algorithms to detect and execute trades in the foreign exchange market. These programs can analyze massive amounts of data in real-time and make split-second decisions quickly, eliminating emotional…

Are Card Shuffling Machines Rigged in Poker Rooms?


One of the key components of any card game is shuffling. This ensures that each player receives an unbiased set of cards, adding an element of surprise. Many may wonder whether casino card shuffling machines…

Can Gorillas Travel on a Line High Above the Trees?


Gorillas are large mammals found living in dense forest in southwestern Africa. They possess fine brownish-black fur with reddish crowns and short muzzles with large nostrils; short muzzles with short nostrils; small eyes and ears…

Do Poker Games Without Money Count As Gambling?


Stuey Ungar won three consecutive World Series of Poker tournaments between 1980 and 1997; Johnny Chan finished 2nd both years and Dan Harrington took home first prize in 1995. These players weren't just lucky; many…

Is a Poker Game With Friends Illegal Gambling?


Gambling laws differ between states, but generally allow for low-stakes private poker games with friends that do not involve rake or profit from the host's efforts to organize or play them. Before planning or organizing…

What is the Best Free Slot Game?


While there is an assortment of games to choose from online slots can usually be divided into two distinct groups - classic and modern. Traditional slot machines evoke images of traditional fairground or Vegas machines…